
In this section all the information on how to register on the Register of Suppliers and Public Notices.

The Company adopted a model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01, with appointment of composed collegiate external supervisory body:

President: Commander CC Dr. Vincenzo Guerriero

Lawyer Alessio Curatoli

Lawyer Paola Furcolo


Professional Consulting Informatica e attrezzature da ufficio
SA.NA  Generi Alimentari
Service 360  Beni e servizi
D Contract Srl Manutenzione
Enoteca Dante Generi alimentari
Ferramenta FOX Ferramenta
Generale Service Generi alimentari
Global Service Informatica e attrezzature da ufficio
Ital Noleggi Informatica e attrezzature da ufficio
FM Solution Informatica e attrezzature da ufficio
SSI Beni e servizi
Kodokan Beni e servizi
R.A.P. Beni e servizi


Arci Mediterraneo, in compliance with the principles of transparency, and equal treatment, identifies the criteria with which it intends to establish and manage its own Supplier Register.


For inclusion in the Supplier Register, the interested companies must submit an application according to the procedures prescribed by the regulations by filling out the downloadable formats by clicking on attachment B and C and sending them to


In the application form, the supplier must specify the type of goods, services or works of interest (download attachment A) by ticking the relative boxes.

Download Allegato A (Categorie merceologiche)

Download Allegato B (non Alimentare) (Fac-simile domanda di iscrizione)

Download Allegato B1 (Fac-simile domanda di iscrizione)

Download Allegato C (Fac-simile della dichiarazione sostitutiva di iscrizione alla Camera di Commercio)



In addition to the application for registration must also be attached the certification of antimafia.

Arci Mediterraneo Impresa Sociale S.r.l.
it is certified according to the following standards and management systems:

ISO 37001
ISO 37001 Anti-bribery management systems identifies a management standard to help organizations fight corruption, establishing a culture of integrity, transparency and compliance.

ISO 37001 Certificate


ISO 9001
The ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems – Requirements standard defines the requirements of a quality management system for an organization. The requirements expressed are general in nature and can be implemented by any type of organization; last revised in September 2015 (ISO 9001:2015). The implementation phases of the standard start from the definition of procedures and registrations for each individual process or macro process identified within the company organization. On pass through all the areas of the organization that includes:
Product or service design and development
Production or disparation
Assistance (post sales)

ISO 9001 Certificate


SA 8000
SA 8000 (technically SA8000:2014; SA stands for Social Accountability) identifies an international certification standard drawn up by cepaa (Council of Economical Priorities Accreditation Agency) and aimed at certifying certain aspects of business management related to corporate social responsibility (CSR).
These are:
Respect for human rights
Respect for labor law
Protection against child exploitation
Security and health guarantees in the workplace

The international standard therefore aims to improve working conditions worldwide and above all allows to define a standard verifiable by certification bodies.

SA 8000 Certificate